Digital Payments

Challan Payment

JazzCash now offers the service of depositing your “Islamabad Traffic Police Challan” through your JazzCash Mobile Account, or your nearest JazzCash retailer. By utilizing this service, citizens of Pakistan can pay ITP fines on the spot with their JazzCash Mobile Account and recover their license right there, or use our vast network of retailers to make the payment.

  • Deposit your Islamabad Traffic Police Challan right when you’re fined using JazzCash Wallet using either JazzCash app or USSD Menu
  • Visit any of our vast network of retailers to make payment over the counter
  • No more standing in long queues and bad weather
  • Instant & safe ITP Challan payment like never before
  • SMS confirmations that replaces the deposit slips
  • Instantly recover your license from the police officer
by Antlere

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