Mobile Account

Salaam Investments

Experience a revolutionary opportunity with Salaam Investments: Islamic investments & Protection Plan designed to align with your financial goals, offering profit rates of up to 10%.

Don’t wait—download the JazzCash app today to enjoy free investment with real-time goal tracking and the chance to earn halal profits daily.

Profit rates being offered:


Investment Plans Min Balance Annual Profit Rate
Basic 500 2.00%
Super 1,000 4.00%
Prime 2,000 5.00%
Ultra 7,500 10.00%
Advanced 15,000 10.00%
Elite 50,000 10.00%

How to sign up for Salaam Investments:

  • Login on to your Jazzcash APP
  • Select Salaam Investments from ‘Banking & Finance’
  • Select a goal to you wish to invest in (Hajj/Umrah, Bike, Car, Mobile etc)
  • Input the goal amount you wish to invest in & the expected timeline
  • Review the expected profit rates being offered
  • Transfer funds into your Salaam Wallet there and then or later
  • Keep a track of your investments and profits via our intuitive dashboard!
User Journey: Create a Goal
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Islamic 1
Islamic 1
Islamic 1
Islamic 1
Islamic 1
Islamic 1

Free Personal Accident and Accidental Medical Hospitalization coverage upon completion of 20% of the goal.

Jazz Cash Digital Platform

The plan consists of two parts i.e. Shariah based AMC Investment portfolio and Takaful Coverage (Accidental Death & Accidental Medical Hospitalization) benefit only

Accidental Death

STL will provide Takaful cover equivalent to the difference of goal amount and amount of investment at the time of investor’s death subject to maximum cover of Rs 5 million.

Accidental Medical Hospitalization (AMH)

STL will provide Takaful Cover on re-imbursement basis equivalent to the 20% of Account value on the date of incident or PKR 10,000/= (whichever is lower) in case of investor’s hospitalization (as Inpatient) due to an accident.

In no circumstances (e.g; multiple accidental claims) the cover will exceed PKR 10,000/= during any goal period.

Ready-made goal-based savings (e.g. bike, mobile, car etc)

Min age at entry 18 years (Attained)

Max age at entry 59 years (Attained)

Max age at expiry 60 years (Attained)

Minimum investment amounts No Limit

Minium Goal Period: 2 Weeks

Maximum Goal Period: 1 year

The Takaful coverage (Accidental death and Accidental Medical Hospitalization) will be applicable subject to the investor achieving and maintaining 20% of the Goal amount in Islamic Savings Account.

For case above Rs 1 million goal amount, the journey will require additional Underwriting Information & Takaful coverage will be applicable subject to approval by Salaam Takaful Limited.

Minimum Payment No limit
Payment Frequency Flexible (Anytime)
Payment Method Only through Jazz Cash Mobile Wallet
Minimum Withdrawal No limit
Maximum Withdrawal Available Account Balance
Goal Closure Available Account Balance

*For withdrawal, profit will be paid first and then the Principal Investment

  • The return will be posted regularly even if the goal amount is achieved. It will only be stopped once the goal is closed. However, upon accomplishment of the goal amount, the Takaful coverage will be stopped permanently, even if the customer withdraws amount from the goal amount after achieving the set goal.
  • In case a JazzCash customer misses the installment amount, they can pay it at any time, without affecting the goal target. Similarly, if the customer’s tenure or installment period is completed without fulfilling the investment amount, they can submit it at any point in time for investment. However, coverage will be applicable as per the terms and conditions of the Group PMD.
  • Once the goal is set up by a JazzCash customer, he/she cannot change the goal amount, or any other factor related to goal setup during the effective period of the active goal. For a new goal, the customer has to close the existing one, and then they can create a new goal as per applicable terms & conditions.
  • There will be a 30 days Waiting Period applicable before commencement of the Takaful coverage after achieving/validating an investment target of 20% of the Goal amount.
  • The Takaful coverage will be applicable for one goal only in case of multiple goal accounts on single life.
  • Pre-Existing Conditions are excluded.
  • Suicide is not covered.
  • Claimant may file claim either with Jazz Cash helpline (4444 for Jazz users or 021 111 124 444 for OMNO users) or STL helpline (111 875 111).
  • STL will decide the claims after completion of due requirements.
  • STL will decide the claims after completion of due requirements
  • Sunset clause shall be applicable for claims after 90 days of policy expiry

The Accidental Hospitalization (IP) Takaful Coverage provided hereunder does not cover any loss resulting from or caused directly or indirectly, wholly or partly, by:

  • Intentional self-inflicted injury, participation in any criminal act, violation of law.
  • Failure to seek or follow medical advice, taking of alcohol or drugs.
  • Disease and incapacity or bodily injury which existed prior to this assurance.
  • Atomic energy explosions of any nature whatsoever.
  • War, invasion, act of foreign enemy, hostilities (whether war be declared or not), armed or unarmed truce, civil war, mutiny, rebellion, revolution, insurrection by military or usurped power, riot or civil commotion, an illegal organization or an industrial dispute, martial law or state of siege, or any acts of any person acting on behalf of or in connection with any organization actively directed towards the overthrow by force of any Government or to the influencing of it by terrorism or violence.
  • Participating or practicing a dangerous sport, including big game shooting, hang-gliding, hot air ballooning, parascending, steeple chasing, polo playing, horse racing, underwater diving, power boat racing, mountaineering, rock climbing, caving, pot holing and all forms of motor sports and motorcycle sports, including time trials and hill climbs.
  • Participating in exercises or operations while serving with either of the armed or paramilitary forces or while performing any form of police duty.
  • Entering, servicing, operating, traveling in or ascending into or descending from any aircraft or aerial device except as a fare paying passenger on a licensed commercial airline flying on a regular scheduled flight.